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March 2019 Update from ED

March 2019 Partners,

“I will say to the North, give them up, and to the south, don’t hold them back.” Isaiah 43:6

“So let it be written, so let it be done.”

I am reminded of this line as I read Numbers 33:53. “You shall take possession of the land and settle in it.” God has commanded that the Jewish people should possess His land and it will be done by Gentiles from the nations, You and Me.

“They (we) will bring your sons in our arms and carry your daughters on our shoulders.” Isaiah 49:22

Bridges for Peace was birthed in 1964 with a mandate to bring the Jews home from the nations and provide nourishment for them as they settle in Israel. We are promised in scripture that God “will bring them from the land of the north.” (Isaiah 43:6, Jeremiah 31:6)

“I will surely gather my people from all the lands.” In these troubled times, You and I are called to bring our best. Through Bridges for Peace, We are bringing our best. In the first 55 years of our ministry to the Jewish people, Bridges has helped over 70,000 immigrate to Israel from the lands of the north.

So it is written (in the Word), so let it be done. Through Bridges for Peace, we have an opportunity to bless the Jew from the north. We hear reports daily of those arriving in Israel, now over 4,800 from the Ukraine alone.

  • You are their “foster fathers and nursing mothers.” Isaiah 49:22, 23

  • You are making a way of escape for severely persecuted “Jews from the north.”

  • You are providing food for over 22,000 people monthly.

  • You are providing school supplies and food to 400 children.

  • You are literally heling thousands make a new life through housing and housekeeping essentials, everything an immigrant could need to begin a new life, even language school.

  • You help provide medical and dental needs.

  • You have provided Bibles (the Tanach)

MOST OF ALL, You are equipping families with a new HOPE!

“So, let it be written, so let it be done.”

Ed Smelser, Senior National Representative

BRIDGES FOR PEACE again received a good report from the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (EFCA) audit.

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